Profile PictureRAYVN RYDER


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This transmission may be listened to anytime. While driving, exercising, and even while sleeping. The more often you listen, the more deeply the frequency of these coded affirmations will shift the thought waves within your mind.

So listen often and do not be surprised when you begin to feel yourself change from the inside out as you remember the sexual god that you truly are.

Is Erectile Dysfunction just in your head?

We live in a culture where when something isn’t working we call it broken and seek to find a quick fix to an assumed physical problem. We live in a physical world so the problem must have to do with the physical form, right? But we must come to realize that while we live in a material world, it is our thoughts that turn energy into form. We must come to realize that everything, begins in the mind, with one thought, that then turns into two, that then turns into a pattern of consecutive thoughts. Then these thoughts manifest within the body.

If you already have a stream of unconscious thoughts running in your brain bank it is important to do practices the remove and reprogram. Start by listening to these Erotic Affirmations at least once per day for 21 consecutive days. Once you have this new layer of thoughts you will need to become aware of when the old tape is playing and then through your own voice overlay the new affirmative statements until your brain rewires into a higher vibration.

The most important part of this practice is gaining the ability to separate your voice from the voice of the program. If you are still completely identified with the program you will need to continue with the reprogramming audios until there becomes a separation.

Then when you hear the voice saying, “I am broken. I am no good. No one will want me. I can’t have sex. I can’t get hard. My cock is no good.” You remind yourself, “No! That is just the program.” And then repeat your affirmations, “I am a sexual god. I am worthy of love. In every moment I am good enough. My cock is amazing!”

This practice can take time but once mastered, you will be in complete control of what programs are running and how they will best serve you.

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